
As a professional mechanic @ Fit Werx, I have an opportunity to work and collaborate on some pretty unique custom fitted, spec’ed and built bicycles. We are not the typical “mom & pop” shop in your neighborhood, town or city. We are much more than that. We are a regionally, nationally, and internationally known company that many reach out to us when they want to invest in a ride with confidence from some of the best. Yes, people travel from all over to visit us, and we even have a travel incentive built-in to the cost of a fitting and purchasing a bicycle through us. There are so many details that go into a bicycle behind the scenes that many do not see or hear of. It’s elaborate, and it’s a team effort. There are four of us at Fit Werx in Peabody, and we all have a key role in making the company a success. If you were to compare us to anything, we are like a high-end car dealership. This is where you come to get the best of the best from the best.

I enjoy the work that I do as professional mechanic for many reasons. First and foremost, I’m a hands-on type of person and the act of working with my hands brings great pleasure. It is an art form in its own way combined with critical thinking, intuition and some engineering mixed-in. Some of the best moments are when I have a problem that is in need of a solution. As simple as bikes look and appear to be mechanically, they are complex, even the bikes that have electronic shifting.

Another reason I enjoy what I do, is working with customers and clients and helping them achieve the best ride experience possible. The bicycle industry and technology is constantly evolving, especially from a mechanical perspective. With that, education is on-going, everything from the components group operation to wheels and tire set-ups: f.e. tubes versus tubeless.

Lastly, bicycles are an object of beauty. Everything from the materials that they’re made of be it carbon, titanium, steel, aluminum and sometimes a combination of any of the two. We are also in a age of customization and personalization, meaning that, people want a closer connection to their ride and what other way to do that than with a custom paint job. Our number one brand bicycle that we sell is Parlee, and they have a dedicated Paint Lab to help customers achieve the paint scheme of their dreams. There is absolutely nothing that compares to the excitement and expression a customer reveals when they see their new bike for the first time. And it’s pretty awesome experience to be a part of.

This isn’t just about new bikes… bikes in general need constant service and maintenance just like anything else that is mechanical. This is to ensure that they perform as best as possible while maintaining rider safety. Parts wear-out, break and need to be replaced. It is such an awesome feeling to bring a well used bike back to pristine condition and working order.

The new portfolio addition to my website, #promechaniclife, is an homage to many of the bicycles that we’ve collaborated on and built. I like to say that everything is in the details. Take a few moments to enjoy this site and perhaps it will be an inspiration for your next “dreambike!”



PS ~ More comprehensive and complete galleries of bicycles can be seen @:


CThanos Parlee ZZero Disc-0005.jpg




First, I'd like to say two things;  "Welcome" to my website and "Thank you" for taking your time to look into my photography. I am grateful for your presence and I look forward to serving you and those around me .

It has been a journey making the decision to take this step, developing the website, selecting the images that tell the story and launching it. It's been an exciting one and I hope you will join me in the excitement as the journey continues to unfold.

One of the greatest things about my photography is the people and the collaborative effort that is involved. I am not only inspired by what visually stimulates me, but those that are a part of the process, the story, the capturing of the moment(s) so that the memory can be relived again, again, and again.

If you are so inclined to follow me on a regular basis, I may also be found on Instagram as well as Facebook.



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